Jane Bateman nee Bessell 14th June 2010

Dear Dad, I miss you everyday. We are always thinking about you. Then you know that cos' we are always talking to you. Thank you for still being there for me. I felt your hug the other night, always when I need you, you are there. You always said that our love would keep us together forever and I now know what you meant. I am looking after mum as I will always do. She is all I have left now on earth, apart from my Paul and Jacob. I don't get hurt anymore by the family; I think I have grown past it. I went to Rays 60th Birthday and he had a picture of you there, I sent him a card with the words that I know you would want to say to him. I love you Dad, my Jacob has your cheekiness and is beginning to wind me up just like you could!!! Love, always and forever, just like you promised. Don't sleep Dad, have fun, run around with Spot and Butch, give Titch and Lou Lou a big kiss from me, and let Aunty Jane know that I was thinking of her and that I was sorry that I didn't see her before she passed over. Speak soon, Baby Jane. xxxxxxxxxx